Bug Bounty Testing, Techniques, and Tools
An ongoing & curated collection of awesome software best practices and techniques, libraries and frameworks, E-books and videos, websites, blog posts, links to github Repositories, technical guidelines and important resources about Bug Bounty in Cybersecurity.
Thanks to all contributors, you're awesome and wouldn't be possible without you! Our goal is to build a categorized community-driven collection of very well-known resources.
What is Bug Bounty?
What is Bug Bounty?
A bug bounty program is a deal offered by many websites, organizations and software developers by which individuals can receive recognition and compensation for reporting bugs, especially those pertaining to security exploits and vulnerabilities.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
[HTTP Header Injection]
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Sleeping stored Google XSS Awakens a $5000 Bounty by Patrik Fehrenbach
RPO that lead to information leakage in Google by filedescriptor
God-like XSS, Log-in, Log-out, Log-in in Uber by Jack Whitton
Three Stored XSS in Facebook by Nirgoldshlager
Using a Braun Shaver to Bypass XSS Audit and WAF by Frans Rosen
An XSS on Facebook via PNGs & Wonky Content Types by Jack Whitton
he is able to make stored XSS from a irrelevant domain to main facebook domain
Stored XSS in *.ebay.com by Jack Whitton
Complicated, Best Report of Google XSS by Ramzes
Command Injection in Google Console by Venkat S
Facebook's Moves - OAuth XSS by PAULOS YIBELO
Stored XSS in Google Docs (Bug Bounty) by Harry M Gertos
Stored XSS on developer.uber.com via admin account compromise in Uber by James Kettle (albinowax)
Yahoo Mail stored XSS by Klikki Oy
Abusing XSS Filter: One ^ leads to XSS(CVE-2016-3212) by Masato Kinugawa
Youtube XSS by fransrosen
Best Google XSS again - by Krzysztof Kotowicz
IE & Edge URL parsin Problem - by detectify
Flash XSS mega nz - by frans
Brute Force
Brute Force
How I Could Compromise 4% (Locked) Instagram Accounts by Arne Swinnen
Brute-Forcing invite codes in partners.uber.com by Efkan Gökbaş (mefkan)
How I could have hacked all Facebook accounts by Anand Prakash
Facebook Account Take Over by using SMS verification code by Arun Sureshkumar
SQL Injection
SQL Injection
SQL Injection on sctrack.email.uber.com.cn by Orange Tsai
Yahoo – Root Access SQL Injection – tw.yahoo.com by Brett Buerhaus
Multiple vulnerabilities in a WordPress plugin at drive.uber.com by Abood Nour (syndr0me)
Stealing Access Token
Stealing Access Token
Facebook Access Token Stolen by Jack Whitton -
Obtaining Login Tokens for an Outlook, Office or Azure Account by Jack Whitton
Bypassing Digits web authentication's host validation with HPP by filedescriptor
Bypass of redirect_uri validation with /../ in GitHub by Egor Homakov
Bypassing callback_url validation on Digits by filedescriptor
Stealing livechat token and using it to chat as the user - user information disclosure by Mahmoud G. (zombiehelp54)
Internet Explorer has a URL problem, on GitHub by filedescriptor.
How I made LastPass give me all your passwords by labsdetectify
Google oauth bypass
Google oauth bypass
Hacking PayPal Accounts with one click (Patched) by Yasser Ali
Add tweet to collection CSRF by vijay kumar
Remote Code Execution
JDWP Remote Code Execution in PayPal by Milan A Solanki
How I Hacked Facebook, and Found Someone's Backdoor Script by Orange Tsai
uber.com may RCE by Flask Jinja2 Template Injection by Orage Tsai
Yahoo Bug Bounty - *.login.yahoo.com Remote Code Execution by Orange Tsai (Sorry its in Chinese Only)
How we broke PHP, hacked Pornhub and earned $20,000 by Ruslan Habalov
Alert, God-like Write-up, make sure you know what is ROP before clicking, which I don't =(
RCE deal to tricky file upload by secgeek
WordPress SOME bug in plupload.flash.swf leading to RCE in Automatic by Cure53 (cure53)
Read-Only user can execute arbitraty shell commands on AirOS by 93c08539 (93c08539)
Remote Code Execution by impage upload! by Raz0r (ru_raz0r)
Popping a shell on the Oculus developer portal by Bitquark
PayPal Node.js code injection (RCE) by Michael Stepankin
Java Deserialization in manager.paypal.com by Michael Stepankin
Instagram's Million Dollar Bug by Wesley Wineberg
(Ruby Cookie Deserialization RCE on facebooksearch.algolia.com by Michiel Prins (michiel)
Image Tragick
Image Tragick
Exploting ImageMagick to get RCE on HackerOne by c666a323be94d57
Trello bug bounty: Access server's files using ImageTragick by Florian Courtial
Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR)
Change any user's password in Uber by mongo
Vulnerability in Youtube allowed moving comments from any video to another by secgeek
It's Google Vulnerability, so it's worth reading, as generally it is more difficult to find Google vulnerability
Microsoft-careers.com Remote Password Reset by Yaaser Ali
How I could change your eBay password by Yaaser Ali
Hacking Facebook.com/thanks Posting on behalf of your friends! by Anand Prakash
All Vimeo Private videos disclosure via Authorization Bypass with Excellent Technical Description by Enguerran Gillier (opnsec)
Urgent: attacker can access every data source on Bime by Jobert Abma (jobert)
Downloading password protected / restricted videos on Vimeo by Gazza (gazza)
Get organization info base on uuid in Uber by Severus (severus)
DOB disclosed using “Facebook Graph API Reverse Engineering” by Raja Sekar Durairaj
Response To Request Injection (RTRI) by ?, be honest, thanks to this article, I have found quite a few bugs because of using his method, respect to the author!
Leak of all project names and all user names , even across applications on Harvest by Edgar Boda-Majer (eboda)
Changing paymentProfileUuid when booking a trip allows free rides at Uber by Matthew Temmy (temmyscript)
Blind OOB XXE At UBER 26+ Domains Hacked by Raghav Bisht
Unrestricted File Upload
File Upload XSS in image uploading of App in mopub by vijay kumar
RCE deal to tricky file upload by secgeek
File Upload XSS in image uploading of App in mopub in Twitter by vijay kumar (vijay_kumar1110)
Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF)
ESEA Server-Side Request Forgery and Querying AWS Meta Data by Brett Buerhaus
Race Condition
Race conditions on Facebook, DigitalOcean and others (fixed) by Josip Franjković
Race Conditions in Popular reports feature in HackerOne by Fábio Pires (shmoo)
Business Logic Flaw
Facebook simple technical hack to see the timeline by Ashish Padelkar
How I Could Steal Money from Instagram, Google and Microsoft by Arne Swinnen
Facebook - bypass ads account's roles vulnerability 2015 by POUYA DARABI
Authentication Bypass
Authentication Bypass
OneLogin authentication bypass on WordPress sites via XMLRPC in Uber by Jouko Pynnönen (jouko)
2FA PayPal Bypass by henryhoggard
HTTP Header Injection
HTTP Header Injection
Twitter Overflow Trilogy in Twitter by filedescriptor
Twitter CRLF by filedescriptor
Subdomain Takeover
Subdomain Takeover
Slack Bug Journey - by David Vieira-Kurz
MIT License & cc license
To the extent possible under law, Paul Veillard has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
Last updated